Creature 801
Creature 801 is a hybrid cross between Shakti Ghost and Steel Magnolia
Shakti is a rare and exotic Psilocybe cubensis strain that stands out for its unique appearance and potent effects. Originating as an albino mutation of the Malabar Coast mushroom from India, the Shakti boasts stout, thick stems and rigid caps, making it a visually impressive addition to any collection.
Known for its above-average potency, this strain is celebrated for its euphoric effects and stunning visual journey, providing a profound experience for those who study its characteristics.
•Steel magnolia•
Though relatively rare in the shroom market today, the Steel Magnolia of the Psilocybe family is a new and powerful strain. Interestingly, two mycologists developed it by separating sporangiophore collected from a wild Mississippi variant sample in 2011. They are large and generally presumed to be of the same or even higher potency than the popular strains, making them a noteworthy addition to your wellness routine. At Hyphaelife SantaCruz, we pride ourselves on offering high-quality, innovative health food options that align with our commitment to natural wellness. Enhance your journey with Steel Magnolia and experience the potent benefits this rare strain has to offer.