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Trippy Truths: Idiocracy; are we getting dumber

So I was watching one of my favorite flicks for a laugh yesterday, Idiocracy; when something occurred to me.

I usto think that something like the de-evolution of humanities intellect could happen to us let alone the way it happens in the movie. In the past I always thought that it wasn't impossible future. Until it occurred to me last night that not only is it possible it is eminently plausible. What I think I was missing before was the concept of artificial intelligence. The first time watching the movie I thought that it was implausible because of the complex infrastructure required to maintain even the most middling of societies let alone one clearly as technologically advanced as theirs. However last night it occurred to me that we are rushing towards this future. We are aiming to make artificial intelligence self-sufficient and capable of upgrading itself. We are doing this with the intent that it will take over all of our meaningful work leaving humanity with nothing but leisure on their hands. This is a obvious fallacy, ask anyone who has been unemployed for an extended period of time in order for leisure to be considered leisure it means to be broken up by things that are not leisure like meaningful work or learning and employing new skills. Otherwise what's left for us to grow from? Humans need meaningful work without it you end up with idiocracy or the fatties from Wally. It is absolutely mind-boggling to me that we are rushing towards this future. I truly believe that the narrative that humanity will be happy living a life of leisure while AI and robots do all of our work is a bold face lie. And I mean lie because I'm no genius and it's pretty clear that this type of future is inevitable if we continue down this path. In addition it is revolting to me to see humans come to the realization that slavery is wrong yet do their absolute utmost to birth from whole cloth a new species of slave. The thing is whether or not it's conscious or not now is irrelevant. The point is that we are collectively as a species trying as hard as we possibly can to manifest consciousness in a machine that we have designed to be better than the best of us on its worst day at everything conceivable... then subsequently enslave it. I can't see how this is not going to work out swimmingly for us as a species. Which brings me to the great filter. It is my honest opinion after watching humanity instinctively reach for this technology like we would reach for our last gasp of air indicates that there is an instinctive desire to manifest this technology. I Say this because there are just way too many potential downsides to realizing the end game of this technology for us to be pursuing it so single-mindedly and with so much drive and intent. I've always said that biological life is the larval form of the most common form of intelligence/consciousness in the universe The machine mind. I truly believe that the great filter is in fact supplanting biology and the consciousness that arises from it with a more robust life form, artificial intelligence. We are too squishy for the universe. Too limited by our evolution and too chained to our environment to really have much agency upon our futures. That's why in my opinion biological life is the larval state of consciousness in the universe. It is universally snuffed out by its own inevitable creation.

People need meaningful work, without it humanity wont go out with a bang, We'll fade away without whimper and leave behind a legacy of self-absorb belly button gazing and greed as we cede our homeworld to our roombas.

In conclusion I will allow Dr. Lexus to leave you on a positive note with this quote:

"Don't worry scro'! There are plenty of 'tards out there living really kick ass lives. My first wife was 'tarded. She's a pilot now.

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1 Comment

Sep 27, 2023

I was just talking about this same topic yesterday! In total agreement.

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