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Trippy Truths:Are we in a simulation?

Okay here's my spin on the simulation bit. I get really tired of hearing the phrase ancestor simulation. It's just a stupid concept. When was the last video game IE simulation that was in any way entertaining for more than 5 minutes that just was a reproduction period piece? Like Encarta World from the mid '90s was honestly the last time I opened a program like that. It just seems like an incredibly limited option as far as reasons for creating a universe simulator with actual sentient beings in it. Kind of like swatting a fly with a Buick. My best guess would be to think about what you would use such a tool for and then imagine how the future might look given what we're dealing with today as far as emerging technologies. Imagine a world in the distant future, or perhaps not too distantly depending on the force multiplier that AI brings to the table, where every human being is embodied with so much agency to affect the world or the universe at large that you can't just have babies willy-nilly and hope that they're not psychopaths. If you did they like anyone else could destroy entire planetary systems with the technology available to them. Think about the personal power each individual has today in comparison to the personal power a single person could wield a thousand years ago. Now continue that trend on for something like 150,000 years to a post-scarcity humanity where the salient point of the day revolves around curtailing the destructive agency of individuals. The best defense is prevention in the first place. So I got to thinking, wouldn't you rather deal with a potential new human being that you have first vetted for stability, potential and key sociological traits like not being an antisocial, narcissistic self-absorbed psychopath. The best way to go about this would be to create a digital simulated Earth utilizing all of the collected metadata that we are doing presently on everyone and everything in order to generate a simulated Earth complete with an approximated population of fully sentient AGI replicas of every living person on the planet at a given era in time where we had the most complete data. Then you run the simulation in parallels a couple billion times selecting the most appropriate individuals according to a set of predetermined metrics. These individuals would embody the principles and ideologies that the future civilization would want to incarnate into new humans. Giving birth the old-fashioned way isn't just messy like mentioned in brave New world It's downright dangerous. Imagine a time when Elon musk's idea for having us all merge with AI becomes a reality and at the same time we experience a technological singularity that births countless technologies that can only be described as "Clark tech"technology so advanced that is indistinguishable from magic. Things like self-replicating nanobots that can be programmed on the fly to manufacture and produce just about anything Adom by Adom including deadly plagues or thermonuclear weapons. Basically you could just shit an atom bomb. All of this sounds far-fetched until you really put human technological progression into context and start to notice that they're definitely is a tipping point that occurs regarding human agency. Essentially we are going to reach a point where there is no conceivable method that we could devise that has any chance of curtailing another individuals destructive agency if they truly put their mind to it. That's why it is not only in our best interest to employ some type of system like this at some point but it is downright existential. We are already approaching a point where individuals can cause widespread havoc, death and overall mayhem within our society utilizing the tools found at sporting goods stores. Imagine that but instead of semi-automatic assault rifles You could but just produce an antimatter reactor somewhere in your guts using nanotechnology and completely vaporize a planet because you're having a bad day. May seem like these kinds of things could never happen but I was born into a world where if I told the story of the internet people would laugh and say I was making up fantasies. Nobody was prepared for how the internet changed the world when it did and now we can't imagine a world without it. That's how it happens, one day we're worried about school shootings because of gun show loopholes and then the next we're worried that a disgruntled 14-year-old will use something like crisper to turn the bubonic plague into the common cold or perhaps bring back smallpox and make it resistant to... Everything. This is the most likely scenario or at least one of the top most likely scenarios as far as what the simulation could be used for. That's why the game is so bad because it's not really a game. It's designed to present adversity in order to test your responses. As well as the inverse. The future wants go getters not armchair cowboys. So if you are wasting your life watching reality TV let's just say that this isn't your apotheosis samsara simulation. Better luck next round.

However it's very likely depending on processing power of the future that you are being run in parallel like I mentioned. It would be really in to just run one iteration of everyone. You're better off running billions of individuals in parallel and then choosing the best permutation of said individual.

You might be wondering how a completely digital AGI could be incarnated into the flesh in the real world? Clark tech remember? Shit we can already clone animals, mind uploading is embedded into the Zeitgeist by now so it will eventually be realized if it's possible. Basically in an infinite universe if it can happen it must

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